La Théorie de la Sphérisation

Tout se sphérise ......

The Theory of Spherisation


The Theory of Spherisation
Quantum mecanics, General relativity, Quantum gravity,Dark matter and Dark energy.
My Theory of Spherisation, in resume
more my two equations about matter and energy.
m mass of the studied foundamental  sphere,l linear velocity,o orbital velocity,s spinal velocity,V volume.If my humble line of reasoning is correct,so the gravitation can be seen in being encoded in our nucleis like the bosons but differently,if these particles exist so they are encoded and also produced by something .The supermassive Black Holes in logic are the answer,they produce these spherons,particles of gravitation.I don't know if we can insert the zero absolute .In all case if th universe is like a relative foto of our quantum serie ,so we have also quantum BHs,the forces are stronger than nuclear forces with gluons,the other relevance is that we have also spherons encoded with forces weaker than our electromagnetic  forces with photons.The paradox is that the gravitation is the weakest but also the strongest force of our standard model.This standard model is encircled by this gravitation like our cosm scale.The zero absolute seems relevant but I am not sure of course.If the Universe is a sphere witha central sphere,the biggest BH, so the particles produced by this central BH are the smallest and the speedest if my équations, intuitives are correct,The aether seems gravitational and newtonian..Gravitation is explained in this line of reasoning.Mass, entropy,gravitation and consciousness increase on an irreversible Arrow of time.We need to explain after all the dark matter, dark energy and gravitation.The dark matter is not baryonic ,the spherons also ,they are furthermore not relativistic,they can pass c in logic.
We can unify G h and c,we can also make convergences between the mathematical singularities,the Mtheory and strings with the main primordial field in 1D.The gravitational aether with my 3D Sphères could be correlated with this main promordial field at the difference that we have a 3D and that space does not exist ,only matter and energy exist.The extradimensions could converge.I consider a pure 3D universal system.This serie of spherical volumes proportional with this central biggest BH and correlated aether produced with the smallest 3D spherical volumes shows us that this space does not exist.We have furthermore a superimposing ofgravitational aethers due to this serie between thiscentral BH of this universal sphere and the number of supermassive BHs central to galaxies.I am persuaded that we have a finite serie precise.Like our quantum BHs towards the number 1 if I can say.Of course it seems very very difficult to know this number of BHs and the serie ,but in logic the relative quantum serie is in the same way.I ask me if this zero absolute is the aswer in encircling this thermo and heat our of standard model.In all case this gravitation is a different force,it seems evident.The harmonical oscillations the rotating 3D sphères ...all this puzzle can be harmonised after all.The aim being to check this new energy.I don't know how to check this matter and correlated fields at the quatum scale, or cosmological scale.But perhaps that some people have ideas ? we need to check this gravitation but we must go more far than nuclear forces and also weaker with a new kind of field weaker than electromagnetism and photons.This standard model isencircled by this matter but how to see them,how to chaeck them,they are nor relativistic nor baryonic bosonic.At this cosmologicalscale, it is the same, how can we check these particles knowing that they are speeder and smaller than photons.In the two ways, we cannot see them or check them.That said their applications are incredible comparated to our actual engineerings due to our standard model.The energy tends to infinity when we go towards the central sphères, cosm or quant.All ideas are welcome :) if we chaeck this matter and correlated fields, wowww it is really revolutionarry.The sense of rotation simply perhaps....

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